
The value of hiring a professional designer for readability

May 12, 2021Web Design

So you’ve decided that you need a new website or that your current website is in desperate need of some updates and revamping. What’s next? Apart from the content, the next step is to really consider the overall layout of your website. Does it read well? Does it entice the intended viewer to explore around? In fact, does it even look good? Hiring a professional designer with experience in website and graphic design will not only help allay your doubts but will also ensure that an expert eye has taken the time to oversee all the minor details so that your website is user-friendly, clean, and more importantly, engaging. 


Here are some important reasons why a professional designer is worth the investment.


There are many different pieces to the design puzzle and it can be overwhelming to consider them all. We’re talking about analyzing fonts, letter and paragraph spacing, line lengths, color contrasts among many other factors and if that makes your head spin, you’re not alone. The majority of us are not trained to consider such intricate details when looking at a website and take these features for granted. But design professionals are trained and take extra care when considering all these details because they genuinely make a huge difference when it comes to the readability of a web page. 


Designers understand responsive design and will choose graphics, fonts, and images accordingly. When we talk about responsive design, we’re really talking about any shift in dimensions of the website. This can be through using a cell phone, a tablet or changing the window size of a browser. Once the screen size shifts, designers, along with website strategists, have to ensure that the font is still legible and that the images and photos still look pristine and vibrant. This can depend on the pixels used and even the choice of color. Designers are well-versed in the different formats available and will do a great job of translating your website content across the various mediums.


Designers can strike a chord you didn’t know existed. Among the many talents of professional designers is their ability to evoke emotions from not only the right image or design but also the right typeface. It might seem strange to think of font as being ‘strong’ or ‘soft’, but designers scrutinize all these factors when choosing the right typeface for an organization. A non-profit that helps children, for example, would typically incorporate a mark (or logo) and fonts that are gentle and emotive, yet direct, whereas an organization dealing with addiction rehabilitation might want fonts that convey strength, solidarity, and hope. Designers will showcase their examples and you’ll be able to see for yourself how the slightest change in the way writing looks, conveys a different message.


Designers will ensure a stress-free experience. Having a creative vision in mind is great but putting pen to paper, so to speak, is an entirely different ball game, especially when it comes to targeting the right audience and measuring engagement. This is where designers can come in with their expertise and help guide the way. Due to their vast knowledge and notable years of experience, they will know what it takes to make an impression on your target audience, without compromising on high-quality work. They will also make sure that your website stands out from the competition- yes, you can always find templates online, but nothing will ever beat a personal touch.


When it comes to engaging any kind of audience, trust and loyalty are key. Ensuring that your website looks good, reads well, and is eye-catching will keep people coming back to the site in order to browse, interact or share your content. Hiring a professional designer is a worthwhile investment, the merits of which can be tangible and long-lasting. 


To see how our creative team can help with enhancing your website, feel free to contact us. We’ll be happy to guide you through our process and showcase what you can expect from our work.


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