
Google Ads Copywriting Tips

Feb 15, 2023Digital Marketing

Struggling to get top billing in a Google search? Google Ads can help! While you can’t always predict where your organization will come up in a Google search, Google Ads gives you more control over when and where your information will appear, thanks to its pay-per-click model. With Google Ads, you can create ads that reach people exactly when they’re searching for answers.


For example, let’s say you’re a nature center that wants to promote its upcoming children’s programming. The center’s website has a robust calendar of events with detailed information about each offering. Now the goal is to drive traffic to the calendar and have users register for the events.


 In this example, the searcher may not know that they’re looking for children’s programming at a specific place. The search may be something along the lines of “weekend children’s activities” or “local kids events.” So the headline “Nature Center Kids’ Activities” wouldn’t be as effective as “Saturdays in the Park for Kids.” You’re giving the user a solution before they even visit your website. 

When you write your ad, focus on the visitor’s end goal — what is it that they’re searching for exactly? Then, use the Google Ads headline to answer that query. This is your chance to grab the user’s attention and stand out from the competition —- all in 30 characters.


Next, craft a short description that tells the user what to expect when they follow the link to your website. The description can be up to 90 characters long — which is not a lot of space to give all the key information! But remember, the goal is to stand out from the other ads and the search results to drive the user to your website. One way to do this is to get super specific. Going back to our example, an okay description might be “Visit us for kids activities in the garden. Learn more at our website.” But a better description would be “Build a bird feeder & learn about native birds in our garden, Saturday 9-11. Ages 3-6.” This way the user knows exactly what the nature center is offering and can click on the link to learn more information. 


Finally, make sure that your link directs people to a page that reflects the headline and description provided! The goal is to make sure people are taken immediately to where you want them to go. If you simply take them to your homepage or make them search your website for something they saw in a preview on a search engine results page, they’re less likely to engage with your website — or your organization. 


One last tip: your Google ad should always reflect a current marketing goal of your organization. A really nice benefit of using Google Ads is that not only can you drive more traffic to your website, you can also measure the performance of each ad. Sample metrics that you can glean from reviewing analytics include whether people are clicking on your ads and why or why not. Use that information to determine whether an ad is successful or needs to be revised. This will also trigger you to keep the ads up to date with relevant information. And you can use all of this data to track how your overarching marketing goal is performing.


To learn more about how Google Ads can enhance your marketing strategy, reach out to Redstart Creative today!

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