
Using Infographics in Your Annual Report

Feb 28, 2023Print Design

Your annual report is your chance to show off all of your hard work over the past year! And while the information you need to present is factual, it doesn’t need to be dry. One way to increase engagement with your annual report and deliver statistics that matter is through an infographic.


Infographics are eye-catching visual images used to represent information or data that can otherwise be complex, confusing, or boring. They can be as simple as a pie chart or as comprehensive as a cleverly designed road map with callouts. In short, they’re a great opportunity to demonstrate your voice and brand.


For example, here’s an infographic Redstart created for Baltimore Healthy Start:



In one image, we present key data about how many people have been cared for in the previous year as well as measurable statistics and images that reinforce their need. It’s much more compelling than a long list of facts and figures. It personalizes the mission of Baltimore Healthy Start while making the data more digestible. And it incorporates Baltimore Healthy Start’s brand colors and logo, making it immediately identifiable as an organization.


Infographics also give you an opportunity to include quotes that highlight the impact your organization has within the community. The numbers you present become changes in lives, versus dollars and cents, humanizing your efforts. And it makes your annual report much more enticing for a reader!


When thinking about infographics for your annual report, focus on the key data you want your reader to take away if they read absolutely nothing else. Whether that’s growth over the last year or specific programs that have made an impact in the community, think about how you want to display that information visually to make sure it resonates with your reader. To that end, make your infographic as clear and as useful as possible.



Bonus: the infographic you create for your annual report can also be used elsewhere! Post it on Facebook with a call to action or include it in a fundraising mailing. Infographics can be a great place to source content for social media and blog posts throughout the year, ensuring you’re continuing to get the word out about the impact your organization has. 


If you’re looking for a partner in creating infographics — whether it’s from a design or content standpoint — we can help! Contact us today. 

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